понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

duction e home

Several of the folks on my friends list have gotten into the habit of updating their real time status on Twitter and then dumping the dayapos;s tweets on their LJ. I�sort of conceptually get the coolness of real time updating and I like that the service is workable with LJ in this way. Itapos;ll be neat a year from now to see your tweets on a given day, like going back into the past, but not just in the past like "this happened to me,"�but in a more mundane way. The little details that are worth twittering about, telling a story in real time.

That having been said, Iapos;m a little sad that so much of my friends page is now dominated by twitter lists. To be fair, some folks supplement their twitter feeds with lots of actual entries which evens it out, but itapos;s hard for me to really get into reading other peoplesapos; tweet lists. I�prefer the long form LJ entry, I guess.

Man, how far have we come when the LiveJournal entry is considered both "long form"�and old hat?

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�ok so just found out the guy i liked 17 atractive popular dresses well .. Is a virgin

�at the start i was thinking oh damit he had lots of potential..

but you know what?? i dont care

ill blow his f**kin mind.

after he proves hes worthy of some love such as mine...and most probly he wont be worthy... But you never know?? i hear he can cook hahah i liek food..... Beign liked off my boobs. :P

haha anyhu just wanted to get that out of my system�

omg omg what the fuck i cant belive this thsi cant be true1 thats insane .. How ? what? yes?? omg

yeah k bi

space kid x

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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No, that is not a line from 1984. Itapos;s a paradox Iapos;ve discovered is true for me.

Two traits I have always hated have actually turned out to be quite good.

1. I have no tolerance for pain. If I fall down and land wrong, I scream so loud that I can be heard for a long way away. After reading some of tlttlotdapos;s recent posts, I have figured out why I tend to get things like five people cleaning up my scraped knee and two separate forms to fill out regarding said knee. (This actually happened once.) I also have had people trying to get me to go to the hospital when I was perfectly fine (fell on Metro, landed on my nose, yelled like crazy, was fine in 10 minutes. I still had to actually argue with the Metro people to let me go home so I could wash my skirt off before the stains set.) Better to be embarrassed and have to shoo people away than to get an injury minimized. I have always been incredibly healthy, never permanently injuring myself, even when I was overdoing everything bad 11 years ago.

2. I am very excitable. I have always thought that a symptom of immaturity at best, a character flaw at worst. I have always wished to be calm and serene at all times, like the feminine ideal. I have had two people tell me that it was cool that I did not come down from Pantheacon for two weeks. I realize now that being excitable means I am able to appreciate things more easily (a new container of OJ in the fridge, petting my cat, seeing friends). Very little is small to me. When some inspirational book says to be grateful "for the small things," I want to grab the author by their lapels and tell them there are no small things except the petty annoyances. Everything good is gigantic, even if itapos;s as small as a flower bud.

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First real cool front of the season. Itapos;s around noon time and itapos;s 73 degrees, mostly sunny. Mmmmmmm.

Last night we went to see the Blue Man Group show at Universal Orlando. "An eclectic mix of art and entertainment" I think is what they call it. It was a lot of fun, I highly recommend it if you ever get the chance to go You can probably find clips here and there on youtube, and in my line of work Iapos;ve seen pretty much all their footage, but it really doesnapos;t do it justice. For many reasons, itapos;s not at all like sitting in the theater experiencing it (much like the Cirque show in Orlando), not the least of which is that the sound system is amazing My hearing is too sensitive to put up with that kind of volume, so I had to stuff a little tissue in my ears to dull it down, but even then it was incredible. Sometimes the bass gets heavy enough to vibrate your rib cage....cool Itapos;s like having an internal massage :D
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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"My palms are sweating
I stare into the end
Rather than hide, Irsquo;ll pretend.
Everything is wonderful.
Really, everything is green."

i wrote that.� a long time ago.� i never really knew what i meant.� today brings clarity.� THE�END.� no ellipses. Just���� .����� fin.� done.

it seems i dont really know whats going on lately.
iapos;m caught up.
my thoughts are suffocating.
daily life.
school. Work. Pot.
in my own head.
in my own head.
iapos;m drowning.
in an empty pool.
of my own selfish thoughts.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Have you ever had one of those days where you want to sit down and cry? When everything youapos;ve been stressed about just explodes in your psyche and you feel an overwhelming urge to crawl under the covers and not come out for twelve hours?

Yeah. Me, too.

Normally Iapos;m a cheerful person. Optimistic. A silver-lining, glass-half-full, look-at-the-bright-side kind of gal. But tonight Iapos;m in a depressive funk.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Thursday, Chen came to Spain. And now heapos;s gone.
I canapos;t believe how quickly the time came and went. It makes it seem like it was all but a dream. He got here on Cervantes Day, so the plaza and calle mayor and all that was filled with the medieval market. His flight arrived late so we got in late.. But we ended up being able to meet with kyle, kristine and armani for lunch at pollo de alcala after we went to drop off suitcases at my house. The food was pretty good.. Had a half chicken, patatas bravas, croquetas, mollejas (thymus glands of the neck or the heart, prob the heart), maybe one more dish but i dont remember - and we shared it family style. Then we all went to the market to eat crepes and look at other foods and things. We met up with Sam and then Lindsay came.. It was fun times.. But then after a while we all got separated. After walking around a lot and what not, we went to my host familyapos;s house to get ready to go on our trip. There was no electricity and it was getting darker and darker every minute.. After a while we went back out to eat dinner where we ate some pulpo.. It wasnapos;t as good at we would have liked.. But it sufficed. Then we got on a train into madrid and walked around madrid.. It started to rain but i had an umbrella yay. We went into mcdonalds and had some potato wedges.. Which chen loved hilarious... And then we went to the bus station and sat outside til it was time to get on the bus at 1:30. I loved just sitting there and talking to him.. And then on the bus, we both tried to sleep.. He passed out but i had a hard time sleeping until after the break that we had to take.
when we arrived in bilbao, it was still dark and it was cold. We sat at the bus station for a while and then we walked around bilbao. After wandering around we ended up at baden-baden it was a simple breakfast.. And then we continued to walk.. To the hostal, but we go tthere too early.. So we sat in a small plaza nearby. We kept talking for a while and finally at 10, we were able to go in, but the rooms werenapos;t ready. So we sat there for a while but then the man said it was available if we wanted to wait so we waited until 1130? and then we checked in. But then we had to get back to the bus station to catch the bus to durango from which we would take more public transportation to get to the restaurant etxebarri. Cept that we missed the bus i had planned on taking.. But there was another bus we could take that left soon after. It was quite the journey, but a lot of nice people helped us get there. It was beautiful.. The paisaje of the mountains and the small farms and farmhouses were so beautiful to look at. I wish i had more time to just wander around, but after the expensive meal (chorizo, jamon iberico, fois de pato, and bacalao.. And wine that we spilled all over the table.... Hahah) the bus came pretty quickly. We went back to durango and spent some time there. We had a really rich coffee pastry and i bought some lotion because i forgot to bring some on the trip. We caught a bus back to durango but went got of at some stop i forget the name of. We went to carrefour and i reloaded my phone. We walked on some big street to get to casco viejo which was really cute too.. After walking around for a while, we ended up going by some parade in honor of some saint.. I dont know for who/what. Then we went to a little bar where we had pinchos - soooo gooodddd finally, we walked a slow walk back home.. Where we took lots of pictures of buildings, bridges, and statues. We stopped at a park and sat on a bench. The walk was a long one and we needed to rest.. It was cute.. We kissed for a bit.. But then i felt awkward because i hadnapos;t kissed him in so long.. I felt like it was my first kiss all over again. <3 we got back to the hostal, took showers, and went to bed. Chen got three bites from some kind of bicho which i heard during the night.
the next morning we woke up later than the night before.. Hehe~ the blinds were amazing.. Cuz when we woke up we couldnapos;t tell it was sunny at all. We went downstairs to a group of tourists waiting for their rooms to be prepared, but we just took our time and ate our breakfast which i must say wasnapos;t bad at all for a hostal. We got ready and left for the guggenheim. It was a cool visit with free audio guides, cept that the 2nd floor was closed off for a change of exhibition and the flower dog was under construction.. Booooo. Then we went to the museum of fine arts which was really nice.. I didnapos;t think iapos;d enjoy it as much as i did. We walked toward the bus station and found a cute restaurant. We ate the menu special of the day which included: bean pudding?paste? and then something with salmon? and then peppers and squid in its own ink and then bacalao.. And then a dessert which included icecream with walnuts - so chen ate that for me :) it was actually a reallyyyy good lunch and their bread was really good too. We headed back to the station with time to spare. We sat outside for a while and then we got on the bus for the ride back. I had a pretty comfortable ride back because i was basically lying down on chen.. I deno how comfortable he was.. But had a fun ride back.. Hehe xP we took the metro back to atocha and then we had to wait a while for a train to come (we were worried they stopped running) but it eventually came and we took it back to la garena - hotel campanile. We checked in to room 614 and then went out to get dinner at Indalo. I had a tortilla w/ chorizo bocadillo and he had one with calamares. He also had like a dinner plate with some kind of meat, french fries, and salad. We got back and finally went to bed.
the next morning, we woke up late and went to Rastro market. On the way we went into a little bar and got bocadillos (me-tortilla and chen-lomo). We didnapos;t buy that much, but we got a cup of olives and he got some keychains. He also bought me purple earrings and blue ones for lauren. =D. For lunch we went to a hole-in-the-wall place in the rastro area and had two tostas: baby eels and chicken w/ a roasted red pepper. Afterward we got a reallyyyyyyyy sweet drink at dunkin donuts and went to retiro park for a while. For some reason it really smelled of poop all over.. Was it the gingko trees? we decided to go back when we got stuck because the VivAmerica parade stopped us. It was brilliant and festive. There were trucks with bands on top and people in costumes from many different latin american countries~ i was too short to see a lot of it.. But what i could see, i enjoyed. We finally cut across and made it to the train station and went back to alcala. We met up with kyle kristine maya and rebeca at plaza del palacio de arzobispal and we sat talking for a while. Maya said that the paella at los balcones de alcala was good so we decided to go there. But before that, armani came and she, kristine, chen and i went to the last of the mercado medieval to get crepes (armani- chocolate and rasp, me-jamon y queso). Armani went home and then kris chen and i went to los balcones de alcala. We got eggs with jam and potatoes, morcilla, orejas, and paella. Why did we get so much food?? after dinner we went back to the hotel and went to bed.
monday morning i went to classes and could not sit still the whole time. I coudlntapos; wait til it was 2 and time for me to see chen again he met me in the plaza :) yes. I could say i met him in the plaza.. And then we went to rocinante for lunch, where the service was great we had a little dish of something with tomatoes and chorizo, magro, a lanza of meat, some meatballs (albondiga), and caracoles. For dessert we got natilla with a cookie in it and then they gave us bonbones icecreams. Good timesssss.

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